HyVac metal bell jars are available from HyVac in
any number of sizes and configurations.
All bell jars are rated for full vacuum.
They are made of the highest quality 304 stainless steel to
assure full performance over a wide temperature range.
They are typically made on a custom basis and often exceed the
dimensional specifications that standard glass bell jars can
Since they are fabricated to customer specification
it is quite acceptable to have unusual dimensions.
Since it can get rather dark inside of one of these
if the process needs to be reviewed as progression occurs then
incorporation of viewing windows is generally part of the equation. 4” is pretty standard, conflat style an option.
Often an installation will have 2 viewing windows
one for viewing and the other to accommodate a light source. Location of light source is generally best at 90 degree from
viewing window. Since it is a metal jar the holes for vacuum source, relief valve
and feed through do not necessarily have to be base mounted, as with
glass jars. Accommodation
for these ports can be made on the body of the jar.
Holes to accommodate vacuum source, relief valves and mechanical
or electrical feed-throughs are easily accommodated.
Depending on vacuum pressures being attacked the user may consider
other materials of construction. |