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Medium Vacuum Pumps

2-20 Torr (2-20mm) Oil Sealed Single Stage Pump

These pumps historically are sold for a wide variety of applications.  They are single stage rotary vane pumps and can reach pressures in up to 2 Torr depending on configuration.  They are used extensively in food packaging, printing and paper conveying and as house vacuum systems.  


Model  Capacity CFM M3 / Hour

SuprVac 012

7.5 CFM 12

SuprVac 021

15 CFM 21

SuprVac 025

20 CFM 25

SuprVac 040

30 CFM 40

SuprVac 063

45 CFM 78

SuprVac 100

70 CFM 120

SuprVac 160

110 CFM 160

SuprVac 250

150 CFM 250


11/26/2005 ©Copyright HyVac Products, Inc. All Righst Reserved
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